Donnerstag, 26. April 2012

Local import of WSDLs and XSDs for design time in JDeveloper

Local import of WSDLs and XSDs for design time in JDeveloper

The following problem occured to me in a project:

The remote Webservice, which should be referenced by a composite is secured with http basic authentication (username and password). This means you cannot use the normal dialogue, because it cannot access the remote service.

You need the WSDL-file and the corresponding XSD-Schema-Files. There is no way around that.
When you managed to get those, you can create the Webservice-Reference and import the WSDL locally into your project.

This way you should be able to create your reference to the remote Webservice. The imported local WSDL-file should show up in your project-folder in JDev.

The same goes for the .XSD-schema-files. If e.g. you want to expose your composite as a Webservice, you must generate a new WSDL for that.

In the "Create WSDL"-dialogue, choose "Browse for schema file".

There, choose you .xsd-files for request, reply and fault, if necessary.

Now the "Exposed Services" and the "Externel References" of your composite are ready.

If you do not import the xsd-files locally, you will get errors while trying to deploy the composite to the WLS! JDeveloper needs access to those files at design-time!

The disadvantage of this is, when the Webservice parameters are changed, you need to to reimport the thing and redeploy it to your WLS.

Montag, 23. April 2012

Integration of legacy systems into a modern enterprise SOA (part 8)

Integration of legacy systems into a modern enterprise SOA - Part 8 (last part)

8. Conclusion

The integration into a modern architecture can often be an opportune and flexible alternative to full replacement or redevelopment of an existing legacy system. The advantages of an integration using the SOA approach are:

- preservation of the business logic of the legacy system
- reduction of risk: No expensive and complex replacement or redevelopment necessary
- reduction of TCO
- Usage of the existing modern (SOA-) IT landscape (including infrastructure and hardware)
- guranteed future and flexibility because of standards, frameworks and reference architectures
- modern business processes because of service-oriented architectures and their advantages (loose coupling, reusability, flexibility, interoperability, standardization, less maintanance, ...)

The integration of legacy systems into a modern IT landscape kann be a complex project. Endurance is needed for the development to a flexible and agile company.

Montag, 16. April 2012

Integration of legacy systems into a modern enterprise SOA (part 7.3)

Integration of legacy systems into a modern enterprise SOA - Part 7.3

7. Approach

5. Transformations

The required data transformations or the necessary mapping must be implemented at the interface. For this the essential transformation steps have to be identified and implemented. If necessary the creation of mapping tables for data and business objects is inevitable. If a canonical data model exists, the transformations and the mapping are directly based on that. If, in one of the earlier phases you decided to implement a canonical data model, this is the time to implement and integrate it.

6. Adjust the calling business logic

Often, changes in the logic of the calling business processes are also necessary. Possibly, activites and processes have to be newly cut or stripped down, so that the call to the legacy system can be integrated.

7. Integrate the legacy interface into the SOA landscape

In a final step the legacy system will be integrated into the present SOA landscape. The needed web service calls and adaptors are integrated into the available business logic.

Part 8 will follow next week...

Dienstag, 10. April 2012

Integration of legacy systems into a modern enterprise SOA (part 7.2)

Integration of legacy systems into a modern enterprise SOA - Part 7.2

7. Approach (part 2)

3. Choise of adaptors and connectors

By means of the analysis of the legacy systems, the decision can be made, if it can easily later be augmented with modern interface technologies (java interfaces, web services). The choice of the right communication technology depends on that. Depending on the demands of performance and transaction security, oftentimes this decision is made towards Java Connector Architecture (JCA) and/or the WS framework. The use of a standard adapter, which is offered my different software companies, often represents the low-priced alternative. If the demands or the legacy systems do not allow the use of standard adapters, these can also be developed by yourself. The JCA framework is often used for this.

4. Customizing the legacy system

As said it is often necessary to implement changes in the legacy system, to be able to integrate it into a modern SOA. If the documentation was evaluated as "not sufficient" in the planning phase, an additional phase of documentation must be carried out. In a worst case scenario this could meand reverse engineering. The necessary changes can then be implemented.

Part 7.3 will follow next week...