Montag, 16. April 2012

Integration of legacy systems into a modern enterprise SOA (part 7.3)

Integration of legacy systems into a modern enterprise SOA - Part 7.3

7. Approach

5. Transformations

The required data transformations or the necessary mapping must be implemented at the interface. For this the essential transformation steps have to be identified and implemented. If necessary the creation of mapping tables for data and business objects is inevitable. If a canonical data model exists, the transformations and the mapping are directly based on that. If, in one of the earlier phases you decided to implement a canonical data model, this is the time to implement and integrate it.

6. Adjust the calling business logic

Often, changes in the logic of the calling business processes are also necessary. Possibly, activites and processes have to be newly cut or stripped down, so that the call to the legacy system can be integrated.

7. Integrate the legacy interface into the SOA landscape

In a final step the legacy system will be integrated into the present SOA landscape. The needed web service calls and adaptors are integrated into the available business logic.

Part 8 will follow next week...

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