Montag, 15. Oktober 2012

Fault Management Framework - Part 4

Configuration of composite.xml

The policy files are stored either locally or in the same folder where the composite.xml-file resides. The other option is to store them in a central place for unique error handling, e.g. in the Meta Data Repository (MDS). The folder is configured by two properties in the composite.xml-file. This configuration is used instead of other possible locally stored policy files.

Example of a central policy file
In this example the fault policy file is stored in the central SOA metadata store

<property name="oracle.composite.faultPolicyFile">oramds://folderpolicyfiles fault-policies.xml
<property name="oracle.composite.faultBindingFile">oramds://folderpolicyfiles/ fault-bindings.xml

You have to keep in mind, that a fault policy which is configured in the fault management framework overwrites an error handling in a catch activity inside a scope in a BPEL process. Nevertheless, the fault framework can be configured this way that the error is given to the catch activity

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