Dienstag, 17. Januar 2012

T-Shape professionals

After visiting one of his presentations, I was just reading a book by Prof. Dr. Gunter Dueck with the title "Professionelle Intelligenz - Worauf es morgen ankommt". That translates roughly to "Professional Intelligence - What will be important tomorrow".

Especially the concept of T-Shape IT professionals appeals to me. For those of you who are not familiar with that, take a look at Wikipedia:

The T-Shape professional has a mixture of skills. On the one hand he has very deep, maybe expert-level knowledge of one special area (the I in the T). On the other hand he is not only an expert in that field, but has a strong basic knowledge in other generell areas concerning his job (the - in the T). For example being a great JEE-Developer is sometimes not enough in the modern IT world. You may also have to have knowledge in more generel domains like busines processes, project management, team work, presentation techniques, sales and marketing or other social skills.

In this way T-Shape professionals become much more valuable for their company, because they are much more applicable. I think this is getting more and more important. Expecially being an IT consultant!

An interesting article about T-Shape in german language can be found here:

Here is also an english article, which is a bit older.

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